Data Scraping, Data Visualisation, Exploring Streamlit UI
Code UI in Streamlit
Staff at my University
Today, data is scattered everywhere in the world. Especially in social media, there may be a big quantity of data on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, etc. This consists of pictures and films on Youtube and Instagram as compared to Facebook and Twitter. To get the real facts on Twitter, you want to scrape the data from Twitter. You Need to Scrape the data like (date, id, url, tweet content, user,reply count, retweet count,language, source, like count etc) from twitter.
⦾ By using the “snscrape” Library, Scrape the twitter
data from Twitter Reference
⦾ Create a
dataframe with date, id, url, tweet content, user,reply
count, retweet count,language, source, like count.
⦾ Store each collection of data into a
document into Mongodb along with the hashtag or key word
we use to Scrape from twitter. eg:({“Scraped Word” :
“Elon Musk”, “Scraped Date” :15-02-2023, “Scraped Data”
: [{1000 Scraped data from past 100 days }]})
⦾ Create a GUI using streamlit that should
contain the feature to enter the keyword or Hashtag to
be searched, select the date range and limit the tweet
count need to be scraped. After scraping, the data needs
to be displayed in the page and need a button to upload
the data into Database and download the data into csv
and json format.
The requirement was to build a solution capable of scraping Twitter data and storing it in a database. The solution should also provide users with the ability to download the data in multiple formats.
✅ The code must be written in a modular fashion, organized
in functional blocks to ensure maintainability even as the
codebase grows.
✅ It should also be designed to
be portable, working seamlessly in any operating system.
The code must be hosted on GitHub, with a public repository
that allows anyone to check the code.
✅ A
proper readme file must be maintained for each project
development, outlining the basic workflow and execution of
the entire project on GitHub.
✅ The coding standards outlined in PEP-0008 must be
✅ Additionally, it is mandatory to create a demo video of
the working model and post it on LinkedIn.
It was a great learning experience that I've got on Streamlit and snscrape and how Streamlit helps to create GUI apps on the web using python